Jaffe Management is an Association Management Company (AMC) with offices in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota. With a staff dedicated to the professional association field, Jaffe Management has the knowledge and skills needed to help your organization achieve its goals.


AMCs operate as a substitute for traditional administrative offices and paid staff members. Jaffe Management helps your organization by utilizing economies of scale with shared staff, office space and overhead costs. The day-to-day tasks of administration, event planning and bookkeeping are managed by our staff, so you and your Board are free to focus on long-term membership, programming, financial and governance goals.


Jaffe Management has experience running associations and nonprofits from a range of industries – from healthcare and finance to engineering and IT – and provides a full suite of services that are customized to your organization.

What Are Associations?


The term association is used to describe a group that works to advance and promote the interests of its members. These professional leagues where an individual is a member, as well as trade associations where a company joins as the member. Associations can also be referred to as societies, consortiums, colleges, certification boards, and coalitions.


AMC LogoJaffe Management is accredited by the AMC Institute, having met the ANSI/AMC INSTITUTE Standard of Good Practices for the Association Management Industry. Achievement of this accreditation demonstrates Jaffe Management’s commitment and ability to deliver service, quality and excellence.


By becoming accredited, Jaffe Management met or exceeded the requirements for accounting procedures, appropriate contract review and transition procedures, appropriate and adequate insurance coverage, written record-keeping procedures and proper employee recruitment and training programs.