Jessica Schaumburg, CMP – Association Manager

About This Project

Jess has been around associations, conferences, and board meetings since she was just 9 years old when her parents started an association management company. Through their dedication and work she learned all about client conventions, retreats, and can even remember typing up membership renewal notices… on a typewriter. Since her professional career began she has worked in areas such as marketing, tradeshow booth and advertising sales, membership services, meeting management and the executive director role. Jaffe Management is the third association management company she’s worked at in her career, joining in 2013 after working for Freeman, the nation’s largest event general services contractor. She also enjoyed serving over 10 years as a faculty member at a local college in their Meeting and Event Management AAS program.


While her passion in association industry will always include large scale events and meeting planning, she has really enjoyed focusing on the governance side of management and loves diving into bylaws, policies, board training and is looking to continue learning the greatest industry standards so she can continue to guide her clients in the most ethical, responsible way.


Jess holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and is a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), a certification recognized globally as the badge of excellence in the meeting, convention, exhibition, and event industry. In her free time, she volunteers for a local animal rescue and enjoys spending time with her friends, traveling with her husband and spoiling their own furbabies.