Conferences, like associations, come in a variety of shapes and sizes. To have the most successful conference, you should be careful to choose a venue that is optimal for your organization's event. There are many different considerations your association can make when it comes to...

Good volunteers positively add to both the productivity and the culture of an organization. No matter how large or small their tasks, they often become some of the organization’s best advocates. Every board member and association manager knows that the importance of keeping volunteers happy....

In my previous DIY Website basics post I gave an overview of the basics of domain names and registering your nonprofit associations domain. Part 2 will focus on your nonprofit associations’ website content. Your website is a collection of files written in a computer language that...

FTP, SMTP, HTTP, domain, host, server, registrar, ssl certificates: all of these are integral in the proper functioning of your website and it can be very confusing keeping them straight when maintaining your nonprofit associations’ website on your own.  The easiest way to go through...

As this is the inaugural blog post for our company – let’s start with the basics. What is it about these associations – what do they do, why are they needed, why do they matter. People join associations for a variety of reasons:  their boss tells...